Catia Prandi, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) of the University of Bologna (Italy). Since 2016, she is also a faculty fellow at the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS), Portugal, where she is a faculty member of the “Sense and Tell” group, aimed at bringing together the opportunities of new sensing technologies with the role of narratives, storytelling and play as ways to learn about ecosystems, how to organize information, how to make sense of it all.

Her research interests focus on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and interactive storytelling for entertainment and for social good (including issues as sustainability, accessibility, biodiversity), both considering mobile applications, and public installations, with a specific interest in co-design methodologies and users’ participation, taking advantage of collaborative approaches (such as crowdsourcing and crowdsensing), gamification and gameful activities, and data visualization and storytelling to engage the communities. Her current research interests lie in:

  • Designing and evaluating interactive software artifacts to engage users in citizens science activities related to biodiversity issues, exploiting storytelling and gameplay, considering a more-than-human scenario
  • Designing and evaluating interactive storytelling systems, exploiting infographics and data visualization, to foster sustainability awareness and dialogue.

She has published more than 70 publications both in international conferences and journals. She is a member of the programme committees of several IEEE and ACM International Conferences, being actively involved in the organization of some of them. Currently, she is General Co-Chair of EAI GoodTechs’20 and TCP Co-Chair of ACM FrugalThings’20. She has also been involved as guest editor in few journals and she is currently guest editor of “Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction Development” (MDPI Sustainability Journal). She has been involved in several research groups, collaborating at different international projects, such as, EIT KIC ICT Lab 2013 (“Multimodal Mobility” Activity), “RESINT”, Erasmus+ “ILOCALAPP”, H2020 CIVITAS “DESTINATIONS”, “DARE’’ and “NextPerception”.

Research Areas

  • Geographical HCI; Sustainable HCI; Mobile HCI;
  • Social and Pervasive sensing;
  • Crowdsourcing/Crowdsensing of environmental and urban data;
  • Personalized and Smart Mobility;
  • Accessibility and inclusion in urban environment.